With Love to You
With love to you... wherever you are.
My heart doth send to thee.
Rivers wide and mountains tall
Separate you from me.
Looking at pictures of you and I
Seems to bring you close.
But hearing our song being played
Brings you near the most.
I remember us dancing to that tune,
Under the shade of a tree.
That day in the park together,
Our spirits running wild and free.
Whenever I feel gloomy,
I think of you and can't help but smile.
Though it doesn't last forever,
At least it lasts for a while.
You are the girl I want to kiss.
You are the girl that brought me bliss.
You are the girl I always miss.
I am in love with you.
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Balas#Salam AldoSEO
wah puisi cinta, tapi ane masih sendiri :')
BalasBanyak info yang menarik disini, ijin bookmark, makasih ya :D
BalasSalam Sehat Sesama Anggota Grup Republik Blogger Nusantara (Wahyu Grafitianz)
wiih Kren Gan
BalasSalam Sehat Sesama Anggota Grup Republik Blogger Nusantara
COMENT balik ya gan
Blogwalking hari minggu sob
BalasSalam Sehat Sesama Anggota Grup Republik Blogger Nusantara #Admin(Eko Budi Santoso)
hmm info yg menarik, nyimak aja dulu :D
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